Contact us

Business hours

Monday : 9AM to 8PM
Tuesday: 9AM to 6PM
Wednesday: 11AM to 8PM
Thursday: 8:30AM to 5PM
Friday: 8:30AM to 2PM
Saturday and Sunday: closed


450 621-6790


Suite 201
99, boulevard de Gaulle
Lorraine, QC
J6Z 3Z9

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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Business hours

Monday : 9AM to 8PM
Tuesday: 9AM to 6PM
Wednesday: 11AM to 8PM
Thursday: 8:30AM to 5PM
Friday: 8:30AM to 2PM
Saturday and Sunday: closed


450 621-6790


Suite 201
99, boulevard de Gaulle
Lorraine, QC
J6Z 3Z9

We welcome new patients !

Financing available

Our goal: make your life easier

Depending on your situation, you could benefit from a financing method that will let you receive the recommended treatment quickly. To learn more about this subject, ask our staff, who will be pleased to explain the different possible options to you.

Payment policy

Payment types accepted

At Clinique Dentaire Lorraine, dental health is a priority that should be accessible to all. To make your life easier, we accept payment in cash, by credit card, or by Interac transfer.







Checks / Interac transfer